Series I: Defrosting the Winter Blues

April 21, 2024

Writer: Madison Spielman

Editor: Abbie Orlinsky

As the weather warms up, I've naturally found myself spending much more time outdoors - picking up fresh flowers from the farmers market, studying in the grass, and appreciating the sunsets over the lake. In these little moments, my mood instantly shifts, and I feel as if my worries are melting away. I began romanticizing the past couple of months of winter and wondered to myself, does the cold weather truly cause every problem in my life? While on a long walk around the lake, I pondered the stressors in my life and realized that none of them seemed that significant. However, if I had faced the same problems last winter, it probably would have sent me spiraling.

Having lived in the Midwest my entire life, I've always struggled with seasonal depression. When the weather reaches below freezing, and the piercing winds become unbearable, all I want to do is hibernate under my covers. While a night-in every once in a while is perfectly fine, I found this became a bit too routine. I distanced myself from my friends, lacked motivation for physical activity, and barely wanted to go to school, let alone leave the house. So, when beginning my freshman year, I let these habits control me. My grades started to slip, and so did my friendships. When it eventually warmed up, everything was fine, but I realized I couldn't let myself fall into that hole again. I made sure next winter would be different.

This past October, I decided to start training for a half marathon. This required multiple runs a week for many weeks. Knowing this training would continue through the winter, and as someone who despises treadmills, I was committed to running outside despite the cold. I used this as an opportunity to buy cute running jackets, new leggings, and earmuffs. Every morning, as I bundled up for a run in 20-degree weather, I knew I was one step closer to not falling back into the place I once was. Instead, I was becoming the person I've always wanted to see myself be. 

Although I'm not suggesting that training for a half marathon is the solution for all when combatting the winter weather, I am urging you to seek that one routine. That one routine that ignites a fire in you when waking up and leaves you excited when your head hits the pillow. Life doesn't have to be what gets thrown at us, but rather what we choose to make of it.


Series I: The Effects of Sun