Navigating the New Year: Unpacking the 'Ins and Outs' Trend - Healthy or Harmful?

January 11, 2024

Writer: Abby Morris

Editor: Abbie Orlinsky

Starting the first day of 2024 scrolling on TikTok might not have been the most productive, but stumbling upon the "ins and outs" trend turned out to be unexpectedly uplifting. Despite the common stigma surrounding social media culture, this video appeared to be a departure from the usual toxic standards. According to the trends, self care is in. Protecting your peace, creating balanced eating habits and romanticizing your life is in. On the other hand, worrying about the perceptions of others, restricting yourself and putting high expectations on yourself is out. This new year we’re choosing to live life for ourselves, rather than for others. 

As the day continued, I quickly realized that it's time to walk away from the usual pressure and obsessions that are typically tied to the new year. Feeling empowered that 2024 could usher in a new era of embracing myself, the guilt of an unproductive day transformed into excitement for a fresh mindset. My emphasis shifted from “expected” resolutions to discovering what truly brings me happiness – whether it's healthy routines, workouts, food choices, or the company of good friends.

The "ins and outs" trend encourages a modified focus towards embracing authenticity and self-love. It celebrates the idea that true happiness stems from within, rather than external factors. It raises awareness to the deserved rejection of diet culture, and the pressure to conform to the impossible beauty standards often presented to us. Although initially this trend may appear as a silly idea at first glance, the reality is that it promotes a healthier mindset by discouraging the need for constant comparison to those around you. It encourages others to let go of the fear of missing out and the habit of people-pleasing. These shifts in lifestyle allow us  to live more authentically. It's a refreshing change from the usual societal pressures that often dominate these platforms. Ultimately, this trend is a call to break free from the shackles of modern-day pressures.

One of my most notable and crucial “ins” for this upcoming year is maintaining healthy and constructive connections to those around us. I hope that by surrounding myself with individuals who genuinely care about my happiness and continuous growth will positively contribute to my  overall well-being. Supportive relationships act as a buffer against life's challenges, offering comfort and understanding during difficult times. Moreover, this year I am seeking balance in my relationships. This means reciprocating kindness and support and expecting that sense of mutual respect. Before 2024, I felt a sense of stress and anxiety towards my relationships with others, but now it's time to break that stigma and foster environments where I can grow and learn from those in my life.

This trend has become a beacon of encouragement for a more relaxed and relatable approach to the new year resolution, by encouraging a new year unlike those before, ushering in an era of self-discovery, balance, and genuine happiness. It's not about keeping up; it's about living authentically and finding joy in the journey. Cheers to a new year filled with positivity, self-love, and the freedom to be yourself.


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